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  • 2019 Run For Recovery 12K Community is AWESOME!!

  • $18,000 Raised for Our House Addiction Recovery Center

  • 280 Registered participants aged 3 to 74!

  • 50+ Volunteers on site from 11AM to 10PM!

  • Silent Auction & “Empties For Our House” – Raised $2000! 

  • Huge representation during the event both participating and volunteering by the clients and staff from Our House, our partner charity.

  • New course records set in both men’s and women’s events!

  • Music: All event long thank-you to Jody and Cynthia from Triple T’s Entertainment! 

  • Parkland County Fire Services – On site first aid with hats and suckers for all the kids!




“This is my story: When I came upon the advertisement for the run for recovery on Facebook I was so intrigued at the idea of using this as an opportunity for myself to run for a great cause. I wanted to do something in support of the people in the community that I work with, but also more importantly for a person in my life that has struggled with addiction. Through a big part of my childhood I lived with my mom who struggled with alcoholism, she has been sober now for many years and I am so proud of her. Holding onto feelings of resentment over the years for how my sister and I were treated at times really took a toll on me. I grew up over the years putting the blame on my mom and it wasn’t until in my adult years through education that I started to heal. As I started the race I thought to myself maybe there is a better way to understand my mom from her perspective. As I walked the trails up and down the hills, through the rough path, daughter in tow in the stroller, I struggled almost instantly. Reminding myself throughout my journey on the path was a consistent mind set I had to achieve in order to keep going. I knew that I couldn’t give up on myself, my daughter or the real reason I had come to the race, my mom. As I continued to follow the path my mind was consumed with memories that I had with my mom and I slowly began to have a deeper understanding of the struggle she probably faced with addiction and she never gave up. Crossing the finish line felt like such a far reach for me, but the minute that I found myself walking through the last leg, hearing the voices in the distance, encouragement from fellow runners I knew that I was so close and that we were going to make it. Tears flooded my eyes when I crossed the finish line as I released all of the built up emotion that I had been holding onto, and I said to myself, mom....we did it! This race has helped me in many ways to have a deeper understanding for those who struggle with addiction with which I will hold onto for a lifetime! It was such a humbling experience for me and the message from me to those who are in recovery or trying to gain a better understanding of recovery is that there is hope, you CAN do it, you will struggle, you might even fail, but NEVER GIVE UP on yourself!”


Thank you,













Mandy was this year’s recipient of the “Run for Recovery 12K – Don’t Give Up Award”. 

The Reward is in the Journey!!

Award Artwork By: Katy – Rose Wood Designs




Huge Thank-You to Our 2019 Sponsors & Partners

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  • Holy Trails

© 2018 by Trevor Fikkert. Proudly created with

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