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  • 2023 Run for Recovery Community is AWESOME.

  • $18,500 raised with 80% in donations & fundraising.

  • 205 Registered participants aged 3 to 78!

  • 85+ Volunteers on site from 11AM to 10:30PM!

  • Race Day Sales & Silent Auction – Raised over $2300!

  • Testimonies from Our House & McDougall House.

  • Special live performance from Danny Floyd Cole.

  • Music: All event long thank-you Brandon Horth & Co.

  • from Focused Energy Productions.

  • Race Results are located here: Results

  • PHOTOS! Thanks to Kevin Cheung & McDougall House


The money raised at 2023 Run for Recovery 12K will be designated to the ongoing work at Our House Addiction Recovery Center and McDougall House for Women.


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2023 Don’t Give Up Award


As in life, many things don’t go according to plan. If you fall, get back up. If you stumble, regain your balance. Just keep on going…


“My run friends had gifted me an entry for the 12k race as a birthday present (most of whom were also participating) - it was going to be a fun time [running] with friends while supporting the community for a good cause.  


Early in the race I had suddenly tripped. I continued to stumble forwards so I thought I had caught myself from falling and would be able to recover and stay upright.  However, I tripped a second time while trying to recover from the first blunder and was instantly face planted on the ground!  A couple of very kind participants stopped and asked if I was ok and tried to help me get up.  Thinking I was fine, I hastily said I was okay.  I attempted to stand up on my own and realized that I had badly scraped my arm and knees, my left hip and both knees were extremely sore, and I could hardly even walk let alone start running again! I looked at my watch…. I had only gone 570 meters!!  I was quite embarrassed, so I endeavored to run again, while hobbling with a bleeding arm and knee.  I had many thoughts… “Can I still run?...  My knees really hurt…. Should I turn around and quit?.... Will I make it another 11K?....Just keep on going!”   


I pushed forward.  The knee pain set in, especially on the downhills.  I continued forward, banishing all the negative thoughts along the way and finished.   


It would have been much easier to have called it quits after 570 meters but just like in recovery, the path to success is never easy.  


Thanks to my wonderful friends, the race organizers and volunteers for the assistance at the finish line - see you next year!” 



- Thank-You to our Amazing Sponsors and Supporters-
























Spruce Grove Superstore        TransAlta Tri-Leisure      

   Viktor Didushenko Contracting      


we hope to see you next year


  • Holy Trails

© 2018 by Trevor Fikkert. Proudly created with

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